the king in whose cause they went to their deaths 意味

  • 彼らが命を捨てて尽くした国王


        cause many deaths and casualties:    数多くの死傷者{ししょうしゃ}を出す
        common cause of deaths:    よくある死因{しいん}
        leading cause of avoidable deaths:    防ぎえた[避けられた]死の主要{しゅよう}な原因{げんいん}
        leading cause of preventable deaths:    防ぎえた[避けられた]死の主要{しゅよう}な原因{げんいん}
        gastritis whose cause isn't known:    原因不明{げんいん ふめい}の胃炎{いえん}
        help cause an increase in traffic deaths:    交通事故死{こうつう じこし}の増加{ぞうか}を引き起こすことに手を貸す
        went:    {動} : go の過去形◆【語源】古語 wend(行く)の過去形より -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】we'nt、【@】ウェント
        man whose presence seems to cause rain:    man whose presence seems to cause rain 雨男 あめおとこ
        woman whose presence seems to cause rain:    woman whose presence seems to cause rain 雨女 あめおんな
        deaths:    deaths 死亡者 しぼうしゃ
        whose:    {代名-1} : 誰の、誰のもの Whose key is this on the table? テーブルの上のこれは誰の鍵ですか。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {代名-2} : その(~が)~する(ところの)、そしてその人の◆関係代名詞 ----------
        as the months went by:    月日が経つにつれて
        effort that went into:    ~に費やされた[投入{とうにゅう}された]努力{どりょく}
        went missing on:    _日に行方不明{ゆくえ ふめい}になった、_日から行方{ゆくえ}が分からなくなっている
        a. king:    {人名} : =


  1. "the king exercised supreme dominion over the nation" 意味
  2. "the king granted her an audience" 意味
  3. "the king granted me an audience" 意味
  4. "the king has been deposed" 意味
  5. "the king in parliament" 意味
  6. "the king is above his subjects" 意味
  7. "the king is in check" 意味
  8. "the king james bible" 意味
  9. "the king lost his throne" 意味
  10. "the king has been deposed" 意味
  11. "the king in parliament" 意味
  12. "the king is above his subjects" 意味
  13. "the king is in check" 意味

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